Tips for Getting a Wetsuit on

Taking care of your wetsuit is critical to enhance your wetsuit’s longevity and maximizing its performance. This step-by-step guide will tell you how to put on your wetsuit easily and correctly so that you get the most out of your investment on the long run.

Just remember that a when a wetsuit is wet, it expands ever so slightly so loosens up. You don’t want to get a loose-fitting wetsuit because then it won’t serve its purpose properly.

Sharp Objects

Before we start make sure you remove any sharp objects from your body. Objects like bracelets, rings or watches can seriously damage your wetsuits fabric. Even your toe and fingernails can damage your wetsuit if they have sharp edges, so make sure your nails are trimmed. It’s also important that you are completely dry when putting on your wetsuit, this will make entry a lot easier and will prevent overstretching the fabric.

What to wear underneath

Ah yes, that old chestnut. Some people find it easier to get into a wetsuit if they wear a skin-fitting swimsuit underneath, and even a full body swimsuit will help with the arms and legs and also add another layer of protection.

Some also may use a water-based lubricant (never oil-based), a small amount around the ankles and wrists to slide through the gaskets a bit easier. Another never, don’t use soap, detergent or shampoo as a lubricant. It damages the neoprene material of the wetsuit.


Unzip your wetsuit, hold it open and let your feet slide in gently. Push your feet through the leg holes one at a time, carefully pulling up the suit. When your feet are in, pull your wetsuit up to your waist.

If you struggle to get your feet through the suit, try putting plastic carrier bags over your feet to help slide through the legs.

Do not try to pull it all the way up in one go but take your time and pull the neoprene up in small steps. Let your arms slide in and make sure the wetsuit is not twisted anywhere. When your arms are in, zip up your wetsuit.

If you struggle to do the zip up, try pulling more material to your torso.

Zip Up

Depending on the type of wetsuit zipping up will differ. A back-zipped wetsuit will have a long zipper strap which you can pull to move the zipper up. Front-zipped wetsuits can be zipped up easily by hand.

If your zip does not have a lanyard to help pull the zip up, you can cheaply buy an ID card lanyard you can clip to the zip. Then should you wish once its zipped up, you can unclip it afterwards.

When zipped up completely fasten any Velcro straps and make any final adjustments to the wetsuit to make sure you have a comfortable fit.

Other Types of Wetsuit

If your wetsuit is far too hard work for you to get on and off regularly, then have a look round to see if there’s any other designs which might meet your needs better. Perhaps look into a long-john and top/jacket combination – much easier access.

If you have any questions or need recommendations and advice, then feel free to get in touch with us here at Canoe2 by emailing [email protected] or connecting with us on social media.

You could even pop into The Paddleboard Shop here at Rushden Lakes to have a chat, or come and visit us online at

We are in The Boathouse, Boardwalk, Rushden Lakes, Northamptonshire, NN10 6FA.

This blog is courtesy of Jobe Watersports.